Tag Archives: OJ Simpson

Only the first… of many

This isn’t a cry for attention. Nor is this a sign that Jarred Coxford is waving the white flag and giving into the technological age in which he was born. Nor will Coxford continue writing in the third person (after this first post – it’s not really my thing, but I’m kind of digging it). Frankly, Coxford is a bit off when it comes to computers, which is why it took so long for a fourth year journalism student to start a blog. It also took quite a while to get into the blogging world for Jarred Coxford because he figured that everyone had a blog and that he didn’t necessarily have to stream any more nonsensical garbage into the world.

Okay, I can’t talk like that anymore. Listen, this first post isn’t aimed at introducing myself or this new beautiful blog, but I will throw it down quickly. Basically, this blog is not going to be a daily journal of thoughts nor is it really aimed at giving my semi-professional journalistic spin on enormous news events that you can find enough information on by watching CNN – but incase you don’t watch CNN, here’s a quick rundown:

1. the shot apparently came from the Texas School Book Depository

2. the Challenger didn’t explode, it’s rapidly disintegrated

3. the glove didn’t fit

4. Tiger Woods… joined the PGA tour in 1996

On this blog I’ll sporadically post previously published pieces that I’ve written over the past few years. I’ll make some commentaries on news events, if I feel strongly about them (and if they aren’t destroyed in the popular media), and I’ll bring new things to light that have been brought to my attention. I’ll also share what music I’m listening to, books I’m reading, films I’m seeing and shirts I’m wearing. So take a peak if you’d like, look around, make yourselves comfortable, and please feel free to wander in and out as frequently as you’d like. I was going to conclude with an article that I wrote about a year ago, but I’ll save that for next time. I think that’s enough for now.